Tired of taking for bloody ever to create your social media posts?
Ready to create content fast and know exactly what to post each week?
Start by taking out your trusty dusty notebook and writing down what kind of posts you want to share each week. Example: testimonial post, resource or how-to post, GIF post for engagement and a twitter style post.
Then assign each of your chosen weekly posts a day of the week. Example: testimonial post (Monday), resource post (Wednesday), etc.
Now head to canva.com and create a new design file that has a 4×5 ratio (trust me on this one, the square is DEAD).
Within this file create each template in a simplified way AKA leave out the background photo for now and focus on the elements you need within each template.
Don’t forget to personalize these individual templates with your brands aesthetic. So make sure each template is using your brands fonts, and includes your colour scheme!
When you are done it should look something like this:
Now that your outline is complete, set a day in your calendar each week and come back to this saved file and add in the content you would like to share, switch up the backgrounds with new photos or colours and be done the visuals for your social content IN LESS THAN TEN MINUTES FLAT.
Looking for more design tips? Follow me on Insta @jacksonbendesigns
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