Pivoting is a word I have really started to freakin’ hate…
And I know I’m not alone.
When I was at musical theatre school I had a teacher (who was absolutely incredible and a huge inspiration to me) tell me that if there was anything else I could imagine myself doing as a career I should leave theatre now because I would never make it in the industry if I had a plan B.
This advice still haunts me to this day.
And you know what? It’s a freaking lie! I’ve been hugely successful as an actor AND in my “Plan B” as a brand and web designer.. In fact in many ways having a “plan b” has opened so many doors for me as an actor. It has created relationships with fellow actors and built my community in a way I never could have dreamed of.
I wish my teacher had never given me this advice. It was really freaking damaging.
I’ve carried it around with me for years. And honestly, it’s held me back from true growth.
It held me back as an actor (because I was always terrified of failing and having to change careers)
And it held me back as a creative individual.
So I am here to tell YOU – There is nothing wrong with flexing all of the beautiful and creative things you can do.
AND if you do flex it DOES NOT mean you have failed as an actor, or teacher, or agent, or photographer, or writer, or whatever you may be.
IT MEANS you are bigger than one thing. And that you can succeed at more than one thing.
And that you are incredible.
Don’t forget it. And stop listening to the haters. You haven’t just “pivoted” you’ve GROWN.
xoxo – jax (your lover and cheerleader)
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